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Beestorm in West Middlesex

He sat in the solemn office.
It was a poem about bees.
The room was silent, and the air
full of unwritten thunder.

It was a poem about bees.
The room was silent, and the air
full of unwritten thunder.
The bees exploded on the window pane.

The room was silent, and the air
full of unwritten thunder.
The bees exploded on the window pane,
a living wreath around the trees.

Full of unwritten thunder,
the bees exploded on the window pane,
a living wreath around the trees,
which then dispersed, like memories.

The bees exploded on the window pane,
a living wreath around the trees,
which then dispersed, like memories.
He sat in the solemn office.

It was a poem about bees.

from Blizzard, Faber and Faber, 2016 (orignally published 1996)


Copyright © Matthew Francis, 2017

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